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Writer's picturePenn Vieau

A new dawn, a new day.

(Published May 11, 2018) Each day we wake, endless possibilities are in front of us. The ability to have a great morning starts before you ever get out of your bed. That may sound ridiculous, but it is the absolute truth. Each morning when I open my eyes, I proclaim out loud, “TODAY IS GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY!”

I have always thought of morning-time as the most sacred part of the day and maybe even a little magical. When you think about it, mornings offer us the opportunity to begin anew – to embrace all that a new day has to offer. Many people dread getting up in the morning but I’m just the opposite. The reason is simple. I know that if I do everything in my power to start my morning off right, I’m on the way towards having a fantastic day. Imagine how different your life would be if you had a positive routine that ensured that …

OK, so are you ready to learn how you can manage your day?

First things first. Stop the mental checklist. Most folks I know start the day off by going through a mental checklist of everything they have to do for that day. This review process typically happens immediately after waking up from sleep – during that groggy period that falls somewhere between pre-consciousness and full consciousness. If you are one who goes through this kind of checklist, I want you to make the conscious choice of catching yourself in that moment and then say … stop.

Don't jump out of bed straight away when you wake up. Take a few seconds to breathe and say aloud, “Today is going to be a great day!” Then, choose something that you are thankful for and think about it, while still laying in bed. You could feel grateful for a beautiful day, for your partner lying next to you, for the breakfast that you will enjoy, or for something that you will do in the evening which excites you. Do not to rush over it: the secret is to actually take the time to feel the gratitude. You will then notice that you're in a good mood and ready to start the day without effort.

Want to learn more? Connect with me and you can master more about how training your brain can change your life.

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